Delphi programmingHowever, my job required me to experiment with Delphi, because they like the idea of using the "difficult" C language. I found Delphi to be quite similar to Borland C++ Builder, but what else would you expect? Delphi offers some great features for developers. Like all visual environments, it makes it easy to quickly develop an application (also known as Rapid Application Develpment, RAD). But things that are kinda limited to Delphi (and other Borland products) are:
Most of my Windows programs and utilities have been written in Delphi. The reason that I used Delphi and not C++ is that I already used C++ for my older projects, and now had to practice (a lot) with Delphi. This has made the learning process shorter than if I would have done all of my programming in Delphi at work.